Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baskets 1-400+

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  1. Thank you!
    This list makes hunting so much easier and fun :)

  2. some of them dont have the basket on them tho..dont know if thats something you can fix or not but thought Id mention it..other then that this is totally awesome..I have sent the link to your page to a few friends..thank you for doing makes things a lot easier

  3. I also thank you, more fun looking for
    Eggs :-)

  4. how do you get your basket added to the list??

  5. I have found way too many that do not even have nests.......

  6. This was way more fun than the old way I had fun tks.

  7. some of the links have no baskets :(

  8. I agree with you most nests have no baskets plus its time consuming .. I had another basket link and you click on one number and it opens 8 nests at once not one at a time like this

  9. most of the baskets do have nests. Thanks for doing this. Way easier and faster.

  10. The multi-window opener is a cheat & you can get banned from hatchlings by using. I'm aware some of the links don't have baskets we're working on it. We don't know why they don't Brad says they're security setting need changed but they have changed them & we have re-done there links & they still aren't working correctly. This is still fairly new so there are a lot of kinks to work out.

  11. Banned due to multi-tabbing? Really?
    New one on whats next?
    Too many sites have been bumped recently...why I wonder?
    Curious...weary of these changes.

  12. No u can not be banned by opening multi-tabs. you can be banned by using a program to open several links all at once instead of doing it yourself. Though apparently he's not banning people for using it he's just having the sites that use it disabled. If people continue to use it he's going to remove the public basket links permanently & they only way we'll be able to hunt is through our friends & our own baskets.

  13. ...and it just happened. A few bad apples spoiling the basket.

  14. I do not have enough friends that will do this to feed all my pets. I will have to let most of them go.

  15. I think people are being a little ungrateful here. Only around 15 of the links have no nests which is like only 5%. The person who made this list did it to help people, I say thank you.

  16. Thank you8 for doing this and your continued work on the links :D

  17. I wish they would open in their own tab automaticly instead of going back & forth or having to "open in separate tab" on browser. Would quicken the process a bit- otherwise great job!

  18. You can open the basket in a new tab by holding the Ctrl key while clicking the link. This works in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.

  19. Please take a look at the following post.

    It is very informative, and explains how to get the link to just your basket, as opposed to your "profile snapshot." There are also excellent instructions on how to set your basket to "public" so that others can see it. I thought that info may be helpful for those links where the basket does not show up.

    Just a thought: Perhaps those links could be temporarily removed and the owners sent instructions on how to make their baskets public, and how to send the shorter link. If that's not too terribly time consuming (which it probably is, given the number of people already on the site), it would make browsing the nests more enjoyable and productive.

    Regardless, I am very thankful for all your hard work. This is an excellent remedy to the "no external nests" dilemma.

    Thank you, thank you!

  20. I have'nt found anything yet but will still keep trying. It sure gives you a lot more places to search.
    Thanks everyone.

  21. Anyone know where I can get some sort of instructions on how to play? From reading other posts I feel like I'm missing something. Like, is there some way to save eggs or can you only incubate or give to a pet?

  22. Nance - it is very time consuming but it will be done very soon we hope. For now we've still got over 500 links to set up & add & we're still working on a new set-up over all. We're not sure if we're just going to put all the links on one page or make of few pages of several hundred links. Once we have all the new links added we'll start messaging people & seeing walking them through adjusting there security setting & re-adding there links :)

  23. This is a great list but it would be nice if the links could open in a separate window. Hitting back many times is annoying.

  24. Haha.. wow... some people are NEVER satisfied. Thank you sooooo very much for posting these baskets... I would never have found 1/2 the dino eggs + other limited editions without it! =) <3

  25. I thank you too! I've found alot of the normal Eggs in these baskets but only found 1 Shell Egg. But no worries, I have ALOT of time here at work to hunt with. Hope to see that maybe you can add more Baskets in the future. PLEASE.

  26. Why I like this list VERY much and appreciate it being put together for us...
    I have gone through over 200 pages today and FAR more than 15% were lacking eggs, and maybe 5-10 had no nest whatsoever.
    Doesn't seem to be much help if there aren't any eggs to be had or you cannot see their nests.

  27. love the link thank you
    unrealated question how do you get associted with an area, some are associted with boston mass others ithica how do i get associated with an area

  28. it is mostly the ones with numbers endin in 6 that do not have nest so skipp them how hard is that
    if you are here enough you see the patern

  29. how can i make my basket public, i don't know how and if some one can tell me it would be helpful to me.
    Here is the link to mine if any one wants to look-

  30. i need more freinds with hatchlings please add me
    tina isham barrett

  31. I am loving this list! Please don't change the set up! Most of the links have public baskets. Add more, but don't change the ease of hunting these links. I have two other links that are "posts" and you have to search for the links. Thank you for all your hard work on this list. You help make Hatchlings fun!

  32. I clicked on the yellow smiley face egg and it came up as error and would not let me collect it for incubation. I am disappointed at thius was the first time I have run acrosss this egg. I did not double click it. This application also seems to be running extremely SLOW. Is there as problem?

  33. This is a great site. I do think that everyone that is on this site, does verify that their basket is set to not private. I have come across at least 10 that are set to private. This is not fair to the rest of us as you can see our baskets but we are still unable to see yours.

  34. This site is the greatest! I always find what I need and then some! Thank you so very much for all your hard work and being thoughtful enough to create and maintain this page :-)

  35. This list is SO old, archaic, and useless since it hasn't been updated since Mid-March.

    Is this due to happen any time soon?

    Spell checked this so the spelling police don't rag on me again...

  36. Quit complaining. Updating now. We may lock the blog down as private & make it viewable only to approved members since some of you can't quit running your mouths. bad the saying goes

  37. Thank you so much for all your hard work in getting this up and going for our convenience and enjoyment. To those of you who are having a grizzle about not finding baskets, do you expect to win a prize every time you buy a lottery ticket? get real and stop complaining please!!!!
    It adds to the anticipation of 'Will there be an egg here or not?' sort of like a slot machine. OK, I'll quit rambling now and wander off and hunt some more eggs.

  38. We need some feedback. =] ((positive ideas & suggestion only please)) we've got several hundred public basket links to add...but we feel like the list is getting a bit long. we think it might be harder to hunt in at this point. what do u guys think? just keep adding to this post? make a different post & link to it? how many nests per post?

    <3 The PB team

  39. I have found your page to be great. Perhaps you could spread the links out over more than one page with perhaps 300 - 400 links per page.
    Thanks for all the work you have put in here it is wonderful.

    Warm wishes: Veronica Lee

    heres my link

  41. I love this page and use it regularly! I just right click and select open in new window and do five at a time. I don't mind HOW long you make the page - having them set up in groups of five really works for me!

    Thanks again for providing me with this!

  42. This page is wonderful! I am glad its here, Thank you very much!

  43. I agree with the last two posters, it's great to have this page here, it saves so much time and frustration.
    A HUGE thank you to everyone involved.

  44. I also love this site and how much faster it is for hunting. Of course there are days that there seems to be no eggs but, that has nothing to do with the great people that work hard to run this site and more to do with the Hatchlings app itself as well as the number of people hunting in these baskets.
    I wish to thank you for your hard work enabling me to hunt more efficiently:)
    Here is the link to my basket to be added. Thanks.

  45. i joined and signed up to follow, now how do I officially add my basket to this site? anyone who can help I sure appreciate it, thanks
    i tried to paste it here and it wont paste either, hmmmmmm

    my facebook name on the account to find me there is
    cathilee delorto, providence, RI

  46. they must have been disabled? .... anyone know




  50. thanks for adding my basket to the list - more shells to buy from Warehouse ..........


  51. trying to advise someone how to post their basket here and can't seem to figure it out correctly. thanks for any help you might give



  54. I would love to be added :-)

  55. I would love to be added also :-)

  56. here's mine - HAPPY HUNTING! :-)

  57. great, quick and easy way of searching. I have no problems with any of it. Not sure why there's a query about no eggs in baskets.....there often are not, even on own move on to next!!!!! Thanks a lot for this.

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